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VIDEO: Ben Ainslie

Images from Saturday's Princess Sofia Trophy medal race and comment from the man himself

Monday April 11th 2011, Author: James Boyd, Location: Spain

Getting back into the Finn might seem like riding a bike for Ben Ainslie, who holds two Olympic Golds and five Gold Cup wins in the Olympic heavyweight lad's singlehander, but in this Olympic cycle he faces formidable competition not only from his perennial sparring partner Ed Wright but the talented youngster Giles Scott along with other members of Skandia Team GBR's world class squad. His win at the Princess Sofia Trophy over his teammates some are reading as the announcement that Ainslie is back to his familiar form.

In this video we see the ease with which Ainslie pulled into the lead in Saturday's medal race at Princess Sofia Trophy, to win the regatta overall. This is followed by some comment from the man himself about how the event went.

This vid takes a while to get going - so please be patient. To watch in full screen click the icon in the bottom RH corner of the viewer.



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Latest Comments

  • sailsolo 19/04/2011 - 11:32

    Still not working.....
  • James Boyd 11/04/2011 - 13:28

    Mmm. It is working, it is just a relatively hi res file and takes 1-2 mins to get going, according to the speed of your connection. Apologies. We are looking into a fix for this
  • Tnewton 11/04/2011 - 12:49

    10+ replays of adverts and No Video?

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