24 February 2025
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Tied after 190 races
The Wave, Muscat becomes the Extreme Sailing Series first two time winner...on countback
17/11/2013 - 23:18
Watch the Extreme Sailing Series final day LIVE
Heavyweight bout between The Wave, Muscat and Alinghi starts at 1730 UTC
17/11/2013 - 17:12
SAP takes a tumble
As Alinghi is just three points shy of The Wave, Muscat going into the final day of the Extreme Sailing Series Florianopolis
16/11/2013 - 23:08
Watch the Extreme Sailing Series in Florianopolis live
1800-1900 UTC: Further big winds forecast for the penultimate day of racing
16/11/2013 - 13:57
35 knot blaster in Florianopolis
Extreme 40s on the edge in Florianopolis
15/11/2013 - 23:35
Final event underway
The Wave, Muscat takes an early lead at the Extreme Sailing Series in Florianopolis, Brazil
14/11/2013 - 23:59
The Wave, Muscat nails it
Leigh McMillan's team leads the Extreme Sailing Series as racing concludes in Nice
06/10/2013 - 19:18
Breeze abates on the Baie des Anges
The Wave, Muscat extends at the Extreme Sailing Series Nice
05/10/2013 - 20:40
Another big day in Nice
Leigh McMillan and The Wave, Muscat crew still ahead
04/10/2013 - 17:43
The Wave relishes strong conditions
Shock, horror - hold the front page: breeze up at the Extreme Sailing Series Nice
03/10/2013 - 19:25
China's Oman Sail
Phil Robertson and Herve le Quillec introduce us to ChinaSpirit
27/08/2013 - 13:36
The Wave comes out on top
As record crowds descend on the final day of the Extreme Sailing Series Cardiff
26/08/2013 - 19:19
21 races, but Alinghi and The Wave are still tied
Going into the final day of the Extreme Sailing Series Cardiff
25/08/2013 - 19:50
Breeze up in Cardiff
SAP has a top day at the Extreme Sailing Series in Cardiff
24/08/2013 - 19:13
Watch the Extreme Sailing Series in Cardiff live
Breeze up today as racing starts at 1300 UTC
24/08/2013 - 11:02
Swiss lake day....with rain
The Extreme Sailing Series gets underway in Cardiff with big breeze forecast for tomorrow
23/08/2013 - 19:18
New Chinese team
Phil Robertson to skipper ChinaSpirit at the Extreme Sailing Series Cardiff this Friday
21/08/2013 - 21:55