New record to Cape Leeuwin

Banque Populaire now 3 days 14 hours ahead of Groupama 3's Jules Verne Trophy pace

Saturday December 10th 2011, Author: James Boyd, Location: none selected

Chart above courtesy of Expedition/Tasman Bay Navigation Systems and PredictWind

Date time Lat Long VMG Crs Spd Spd Spd Dist DTF DTL
          Inst 4hr 24 hrs      
10/12/2011 09:00 45°11.77'S 115°26.59'E 16.2 69° 27.3 25.1 26.7 641.3 13 228 2 319.10
10/12/2011 05:45 45°42.91'S 113°36.46'E 15.6 68° 25.7 23.3 26.9 646.1 13 277 2 350.60
10/12/2011 03:00 46°07.18'S 112°01.28'E 14.9 78° 20.1 24.3 27.3 654.1 13 322 2 353.40
09/12/2011 23:45 46°16.88'S 110°09.18'E 18.7 72° 28.1 28.7 28.1 674 13 385 2 315.90
09/12/2011 21:00 46°38.96'S 108°16.11'E 20.3 78° 27.1 28.9 28.2 675.8 13 442 2 299.80
09/12/2011 18:00 46°52.28'S 106°10.37'E 26 86° 30.9 29 28 673.1 13 511 2 272.80
09/12/2011 14:45 47°00.03'S 103°41.77'E 20.6 92° 23.1 24.8 27.6 661.2 13 597 2 230.00
09/12/2011 11:45 47°01.28'S 101°55.27'E 24.1 85° 29.2 26.4 26.9 645.1 13 660 2 206.20
09/12/2011 08:45 47°10.62'S 099°57.29'E 23.9 81° 30.4 25.3 26 623.5 13 726 2 182.90

Banque Populaire crossed the longitude of Cape Leeuwin, SW Australia 08:29 UTC this morning, setting an incredible new record of 17 days, 23 hours, 57 minutes, 18 seconds to the 'second great cape' from Ushant. This is some 3 days 14 hours and 24 minutes faster than Groupama 3 managed on her Jules Verne Trophy record two years ago.

To give some comparison of past times: Bruno Peyron's crew on Orange 1 during their 2002 Jules Verne Trophy record attempt made this same passage in 29 days 07 hours and 22 minutes. Two year's later Steve Fossett's Cheyenne made it in 25 days 14 hours and 8 minutes.

In terms of the record from the Cape of Good Hope to Cape Leeuwin, Banque Populaire has managed it in 6 days 2 hours and 9 minutes. So in fact this isn't much faster than Groupama 3 which covered the same passage in 6 days 22 hours 34 minutes in 2010.

As the chart above shows, after a couple of relatively benign days, conditions are getting fruity once again with the on-set of the next depression, currently centred some 870 miles to their south. However oddly in these conditions Banque Populaire's speed should be more mid-30s than late 20s. To get away from the strongest winds (and also the ice), the maxi tri has been on a long gybe northeast and at the latest sched her course has taken her north of that of Groupama 3. As the front passes tonight and the wind backs into the southwest, so Banque Populaire will gybe southeast again. 


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