Volvo heads for Fan Pier

Round the world race to visit new Boston waterside development

Thursday May 29th 2008, Author: Sophie Luther, Location: United Kingdom
The Volvo Ocean Race has confirmed Fan Pier in Boston as the sole North American stopover when the race visits the US East Coast port city in April-May 2009.

Agreement between race organisers to bring the race to Fan Pier has been backed by the city of Boston and has been made possible by the efforts of the local developer Joe Fallon, who is working closely with city officials to ensure a successful, world-class event at this waterfront location.

The entire stopover facility including berthing for the seven-boat fleet, race village, entertainment complex and haul-out area will be accommodated on a five-acre Volvo Ocean Race zone within the development site.

Two weeks of festivals and local events are planned for the beginning of May 2009, to celebrate the arrival and departure of the Volvo Ocean Race, Boston’s maritime history and the sport of sailing.

The Fallon Company is owner and developer of the large-scale, 21-acre Fan Pier site. Fallon’s plans for the area include a five-star hotel, offices, designer boutiques, restaurants and luxury condominiums with 360-degree views of the Boston skyline and harbour.

Fan Pier also brings to life new public parks, a Harbour Walk, a state-of-the-art marina and the internationally acclaimed Institute of Contemporary Art. It is a vibrant, pedestrian-friendly area, and as the newest neighbourhood in the city of Boston is the ideal spot to welcome the Volvo Ocean Race to Boston.

The visit of the Volvo race, Fallon says, will bring heightened awareness to Boston’s waterfront, Fan Pier, extreme ocean racing and the sport of sailing in general. “I’m extremely proud and excited that Fan Pier and the city of Boston will join world-class ports like Rio de Janeiro, Cape Town, Singapore and Stockholm as hosts of the 2008-09 Volvo Ocean Race,” Fallon said.

Knut Frostad, CEO of the Volvo Ocean Race, said: “Fan Pier is an excellent fit for us. The Fan Pier site, overlooking Boston Harbour, is ideal and will allow us to accommodate all of our facilities for the Boston Stopover in one prime waterfront location.

“Having visited Fan Pier myself and met with Joe Fallon and his team, I have been struck by their enthusiasm and have no doubt they will put on a fantastic show when the race comes to town.”

During the stopover, race organizers will stage a point-scoring In-Port Race in Boston’s Outer Harbour, while the Pro-Am Race will be held just off Fan Pier.

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