Photo: Caroline Rosier

Round Martinique underway

Transquadra fleet joins in the racing

Friday February 13th 2015, Author: Sabina Mollart Rogerson, Location: Martinique

The Round Martinique Regatta (Tour de Martinique) got off to a flying start today with competitors enjoying ideal downwind sailing conditions over the full 25 miles of the first stage of the race.

The sailors gathered at the Club Neptune du Lamentin early for breakfast and final preparations before heading out to the Fort de France Bay and Point de la Vierge for the start line, close to shore for all to watch.

26 boats in five classes set off south to round the Rocher du Diamant, the impressive rocky island, were competitors where joined by Transquadra fleet for their epilogue race. All then sailed into Marin together on the final part of the course. This was a friendly and appreciated recognition by the sailors in both events.

At around 1330, Cap Créole – Bondamanjak, racing in the Surprise Class, dismasted between the Rocher du Diamant and the Grande Anse and was towed safely to Anse d’Arlets.

The favourable conditions, bright sun and top tight racing made for a great opening stage to the 100 mile race. The first boats crossed the finish line in Marin, just in front of the Club Med, to a warm carnival party welcome on the beach.

First stage class leaders

Melges: Contrat de Baie Fort de France – Aymeric Pinto (Ven Dan Vwèl)
Multihull: Phyle – Marc Legrand
Racing: Fiser – Jean Michel Figuère
Surprise: La Morrigane – Jean François Terrien
Cruising: Oxygène – Fred Beauregard
Rhum: 5 Oceans – Daniel Ecalard

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