TeamOrigin and Juan K split tacks
TeamOrigin today announced that discussions with Juan Yacht Design for the 34th Americas Cup are not progressing.
Grant Simmer, who joined TeamOrigin in June after 10 years with Alinghi in various senior management roles, including design coordinator, has been undertaking a review of the team's design options. Simmer holds a strong view that with a new design rule soon to be announced, teams need to be in a position to be able to build their design capabilities to reflect the new rule. As preparations for the next America's Cup gather momentum several weeks of discussions have taken place between TeamOrigin and JYD. Last week however TeamOrigin decided to take an alternative approach than the one offered by JYD and as a result terminated discussions with JYD.
(We understand that with the dissolution of the Alinghi team, so Rolf Vrolijk may still be looking for a new berth within an America's Cup design team)
Latest Comments
KingMonkey 20/07/2010 - 16:06
Juan K was always a rather volatile choice. He might do something amazing (Black Betty), or he might do something shocking (Maiden Hong Kong). I understand this is more to do with the 'in house' team that Simmer wants but if we are to believe that our dear Editor is in the loop - and he usually tends to be - I think there's a fairly hefty hint above to the fact that they are upgrading!734975 14/07/2010 - 10:17
Juan K has designed some quick boats around the world but I don't recall any quick ones around the buoys. Why is Team Origin looking beyond our shores for a new designer? There are a number of good British designers capable of designing a quick AC boat,I can recall one British designed boat in the last Americas Cup that was recognised by many as being very fast.Chr1s 13/07/2010 - 08:03
Now that's silly! Dumping possibly the best - and certainly the most innovative - designe4r around. Reminds me of TNZ firing Tom Schnackenberg.strongarm 12/07/2010 - 19:45
First Mike Sanderson and then Juan K who off course historically have been pretty close. The TP52 does not seem quick and the Americas cup is not sailed in the Southern Ocean. RV would be a great move.chriswah 12/07/2010 - 13:51
Could this be the second stage that leads to the downfall of yet another British Americas cup campaign? I hope not, but sad news that Juan K will not be getting the crayons out for Team Origin for the next Americas cup. Juan K may have designed a few wrong boats in the past, but also he has designed some awesome winners. Lets just hope that Origin know what they are doing!Add a comment - Members log in