Charity golf
Sunday October 31st 2004, Author: Media, Location: United Kingdom
On Friday 29th October 2004 in blustery conditions 84 golfers turned out to support the eighth Annual North Sails / John Merricks Sailing Trust Golf Day. Olympic Gold medallists Shirley Robertson, Sarah Webb and Sarah Ayton (pictured above with Louise Morton) were there alongside 2004 Olympic windsurfing bronze medallist Nick Dempsey.
Former medallists Iain Percy, Ian Walker and Ossie Stewart also played alongside many other top sailing professionals and marine industry associates - so there was plenty of tacking going on along the fairways! Despite the difficult conditions the North Sails Trophy was won by Keith Francis on 36 Stapleford points. Louise Morton carried off the Ladies Crystal Putter.
The auction of a glittering array of prizes by Bob Fisher, including a fantastic £1,100 bid for a signed Olympic Sail for Gold print, helped to raise a grand total of £11,329.30.
JMST Trustee, Ian Walker, commented, “We achieved our 3 aims of having a good time, remembering John and raising lots of money for this great cause.”
The proceedings were closed by John’s parents, Dennis and Joan Merricks, who were thrilled at how much money was raised to support young sailors of the future.
The John Merricks Sailing Trust supports young sailors in financial need. It has already awarded over £55,000 to individuals or projects that seek to further youth sailing. If you or your project needs help see for more details.
Hole Sponsors at the event were:
Octopus Branding
Ocean Safety
Veneziani (Bare Marine)
Richard Faulkner Composites
Dimension Polyant
Williams Shipping
Maiden Marine
North Sails
Nielson Holidays
Pier View
VIDEO - Your chance to see just how well sailors can play golf...remember it's all for a good cause. Running order:
Play - Windows Media File (7MB)
Ray Davies (on the wrong fairway)
George Skudas (nicely on the right fairway)
Jonathon Stanton (chipping out of the bushes)
Rory Herron (bending it like Beckham)
Ian Walker (opening up the green)
James Stagg (taking his time)
Simon Fry (sending it somwhere)
Andrew Simpson (wacking it)
Paul Hobson (doing the T-off giggle)
Charlie Chumberly (not hanging about)
David Barrow (not happy with the equipment)
Eddie Warden Owen (done this before)
Ossie Stewart (maybe it's the perspective but the club looks very long)
More EXCLUSIVE! photos from the Charity Golf on the following pages...

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