Richard Langdon /

Mike Lennon by a point

Foilers take to the water for the WHY Jewellers Parkstone YC Moth Open

Monday June 21st 2010, Author: Helen Rollinson, Location: United Kingdom

The WHY Jewellers Parkstone YC Moth Open was preceded by a forecast of marginal foiling conditions, yet 25 Moths turned out for the event at Poole over the weekend of 12-13 June.

As the fleet got to the racing area they realised how misleading forecasts can be; a gusty northerly force 4 greeted them for the day's proceedings.

The first race saw Jason Russell late out the start going to the right where he picked up good pressure to lead round the mark followed by Mike Lennon who opted for the left hand side of the course. It was noticeable how the standard of the fleet had improved following the recent training in Spain with racing becoming increasing close; too close sometimes as Richard Lovering incurred a collision at the leeward mark putting pay to the rest of his weekend. Jason Russell stamped his authority on the race followed by Mike and Jason Belben.

For the second race the wind strengthened, despite this the conditions remained manageable and many recorded some of their personal best speeds with few fatalities.

Mike got out the traps early and led from the start followed by Ricky Tagg. The two Jason’s had a good tussle screaming into the finish a boat length apart at 20 Knots +

The final race of the day looked to be a replay of the previous with Mike out in front followed by Jason B until the wind cut out at the windward mark leaving Jason to catch the last gust to take him round the windward mark and foil to the leeward while the rest of the fleet low rided. Jason B went on to win followed by Jason R , after making some bold down wind tactics, and then Mike.

Sunday dawned with no wind and a down beat fill after the previous nights England Match, this was soon dispelled by a wind kicking in from the South West on a glorious sunny Poole Harbour. We all ventured out the marina fully powered up expecting the wind to slowly drop off during the day, but far from it a steady south west force 4+ remained throughout.

Mike and Jason R had a close 4th race with Mike eventually winning, new comer Ben Paton put in a good performance posting a 4th. The 5th race showed much the same form with Mike 1st, Jason R 2nd and Paul Hayden 3rd.

The final race was once more a battle between Mike and Jason R but this time Jason coming out on top as Mike lost his all critical paddle off the end of his control wand with Ricky Tagg 3rd. This left for a most entertaining downwind ride back to the club along the channel as the cruisers and powerboats came back in the harbour.

Thanks to WHY Jewellers (Rod Harris) for stepping up to sponsor and organise what was a well run and enjoyable event.



Pos Boat Helm R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Tot Net
1 Hyde Sails Michael Lennon 2 1 -3 1 1 2 10 7
2 Tere Jason Russell 1 -4 2 2 2 1 12 8
3 Stay Hungry Jason Belben 3 3 1 3 -6 4 20 14
4 Hidden Talent Ricky Tagg 4 2 6 -7 4 3 26 19
5   Paul Hayden 5 5 5 -8 3 5 31 23
6 Ghostridger Alex Adams (26.0 DNS) 6 4 5 5 7 53 27
7 Arjuna Rod Harris 6 7 -10 9 7 8 47 37
8   Sam Tozer 8 10 7 -11 10 10 56 45
9   Gareth Davies 9 11 8 -13 8 9 58 45
10 Red Peter Barton 7 -17 11 6 11 13 65 48
11 Member, but not sure of no Doug Pybus 10 9 9 14 9 (26.0 DNF) 77 51
12 Bladerider Martin Fear 11 8 12 10 (26.0 DNF) 11 78 52
13 Jet Air Executive Travel Jonnie Hutch 12 15 15 -16 13 12 83 67
14 Ninjario Phil Oligario 15 12 14 -19 16 14 90 71
15 Mad Max Richard Edwards 13 16 16 18 17 (26.0 DNF) 106 80
16   Graham Simmonds (26.0 DNS) 13 13 15 14 26.0 DNC 107 81
17 Main Group PLC Jams Phare (26.0 DNC) 26.0 DNC 26.0 DNC 12 12 6 108 82
18   Daniel Hare 14 14 (26.0 DNS) 17 15 26.0 DNC 112 86
19   Ben Paton (26.0 DNC) 26.0 DNC 26.0 DNC 4 26.0 DNF 26.0 DNC 134 108
20   Katherine Knight (26.0 DNC) 26.0 DNC 26.0 DNC 20 26.0 DNF 15 139 113
21   Jamie Hare (26.0 DNF) 26.0 DNS 26.0 DNS 21 26.0 DNF 26.0 DNC 151 125
22 Ninja Moth Simon Redhead (26.0 DNC) 26.0 DNC 26.0 DNC 26.0 DNC 26.0 DNC 26.0 DNC 156 130
22   Richard Lovering (26.0 DNF) 26.0 DNS 26.0 DNS 26.0 DNC 26.0 DNC 26.0 DNC 156 130
22 Daedalus Tom Altmann (26.0 DNS) 26.0 DNC 26.0 DNC 26.0 DNC 26.0 DNC 26.0 DNC 156 130
22   Darren McNamara (26.0 DNC) 26.0 DNC 26.0 DNC 26.0 DNC 26.0 DNC 26.0 DNC 156 130

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