The Wave, Muscat becomes the Extreme Sailing Series first two time winner...on countback
Heavyweight bout between The Wave, Muscat and Alinghi starts at 1730 UTC
As Alinghi is just three points shy of The Wave, Muscat going into the final day of the Extreme Sailing Series Florianopolis
1800-1900 UTC: Further big winds forecast for the penultimate day of racing
Extreme 40s on the edge in Florianopolis
The Wave, Muscat takes an early lead at the Extreme Sailing Series in Florianopolis, Brazil
Lars Grael to lead his team into battle for the final event of the Exteme Sailing Series
World Championship for the Olympic catamaran concludes in the Hague
Just one race held for the gold fleet at the Nacra 17 Worlds in Den Haag
Five races sailed for the yellow fleet at the Nacra 17 Worlds
No wind off Scheveningen for the opening day of the Nacra 17 Worlds