Long months of hard work pays off for Niklas Zennstrom and his team in Miami
Niklas Zennstrom's team on track to become Gaastra 52 World Champions
Race five canned when the breeze disappears
Niklas Zennström edges into the lead at the Gaastra 52 World Championship
HH Princess Zahra Aga Khan breaks the champagne on the YCCS's new TP52
Botin-designed Audi Azzurra takes to the water at Mapfre Palmavela
Giovanni Soldini and his all-star cast set the bar
Giovanni Soldini and crew set sail on their bid to set the monohull reference time from Cadiz to San Salvador
Giovanni Soldini and an illustrious crew to attempt record program on their VO70
Red Bull joins the Extreme Sailing Series