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  • 20140928_150900_470.jpg
    Rare - Figaro2 For Sale
    Rare - Fully optimised Figaro2 maintained to the highest standards. Fantastic offshore race yacht fully configured and ready for a full solo / shorthanded campaign.

    Members' blogs

    • Sam Goodchild 12/06/2015 - 14:18

      The last time I followed the Solitaire du Figaro as a spectator was back in 2010 when Britain’s Jonny Malbon was

    • Jack Bouttell 18/05/2015 - 08:40

      As per normal, time has disappeared and the 2015 Solitaire du Figaro – Eric Bompard Cachemire is coming up fast. I

    • philsharp 19/03/2014 - 16:38

      Having spent the last couple of winter months at the Lorient Grand Large training camp sailing in 20 - 30 knot

    • henrybomby 17/03/2014 - 15:22

      It is

    • James Boyd 01/08/2013 - 08:36

      The 2014 squad for the Artemis Offshore Academy has been announced, all with the prospect of earning themselves a ride

    • Jack Bouttell 08/06/2013 - 10:54

      Leaving Bordeaux for the prologue race to Pauillac was as exciting as coming into the city with thousands of people lined

    • Rick Tomlinson ... 16/04/2013 - 12:08